Rites of Passage and Portrait Salon

We missed out on the Taylor Wessing, but got our image of Henry and Louis into the Portrait Salon. Check out their website for exhibition dates.

Rites of Passage, Portraits from Prom

Rites of Passage is a collaboration between Fiona Bailey and Fiona Yaron-Field, both photographers and mothers whose daughters have Down’s syndrome. Their daughters, Billie-Jo and Ophir have attended Derwen Collage, an incredible learning/ living environment for young people with learning disabilities.

Rites of Passage,Portraits from Prom celebrates the unique individuality of the students as they transit into adult life. This moment, as they create their own image, marks their hope for an independent and rich future. This joyful series also suggests a difficult reality, one which may resonate with many young people in a time of increased insecurity and uncertainty. For people with learning disabilities the question of ‘what next’ is always present.

This night, when the rain held off, is like any Prom - there is dressing up, make-up, drinks, flash cars, the band, the disco, dancing, breaking up, making out, selfies and tears, it’s a night to remember .